Root cause and symptomatic care are two terms that you may hear us use from time to time. Allow me to explain.
Symptomatic care is simply employing a treatment to ease a symptom that you may be having. For instance, if you get a headache, you may choose to take an Advil to relieve you of your headache.
In some instances, symptomatic care is fine. For instance, if you never get headaches but for some odd reason you find yourself with a headache and you really don’t want to have a headache, there is most likely nothing wrong with popping a couple of Ibuprofens to give you relief from your headache.
If on the other hand, you routinely get headaches and the only thing you know to do is to take Advil to get relief and you find yourself taking Advil on a regular basis to get relief from your headaches . . .
You might want to consider Root Cause Care.
Root Cause Care is based on looking at what might be causing your health problems and formulating a plan to address those problems.
For instance, regular headaches can be caused by insufficient water intake or from a sluggish liver. Perhaps you aren’t defecating enough, and toxins are backing up into your system and giving you a headache.
Tylenol or Advil might get rid of your headache for a few hours or the rest of the day, but it does nothing to improve your hydration status or the fact that your liver and gut are not detoxifying your system efficiently.
Root Cause Care is particularly important for something like Thyroid Dysfunction, especially when the Thyroid Gland itself is frequently not the primary problem.
The difference between Symptomatic and Root Cause Care is one of the fundamental differences between traditional medicine and functional medicine and in many cases, it is the difference between an intervention that will make you feel "less bad" and one that will improve your health and your quality of life.
When you are ready to get to the root cause of your health concerns, we are ready to help you.
This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.